Tuesday, August 23, 2005

It's Been Forever!

I realize I haven't posted in ~such~ a long time. I've been busy (what's new?)...and I guess I haven't been dragged into the blogosphere.

And as usual when I've been absent for awhile, I'm contemplating a new ....template!

So, dear readers, thank you for your patience...

Maybe later today I'll find a moment to sit down and fill you in on what's going on with Insanity Infusion!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Underwear Bandit

My daughter has a new fascination with hijacking my clean underwear from the closet, tossing a couple pair on like a double bandolier, and then running around the house like she's about ready to rob a bank.

She sure doesn't get this strangeness from ~me~!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Mailbox Key

I honestly wonder how I make it through life and live to share my stories sometimes...

My husband and I were expecting a package to arrive on Monday from a friend. Monday day came and went and Monday night was coming to an end as well, so I figured I better walk my lazy, pregnant butt to the mailbox and check to see if the Mailperson left it at the Community Mail Station.

I'm a bit neurotic about the mailbox key. We only have one. Were told we'd only be issued one. Having just one of something - one of something as important as the ~mail key~ - makes me stresssss. Because of that, I'm a strange lady when it comes to keeping track of that darn key.

I always ~always~ keep it in a zippered pocket in my purse. This way it can't get lost on missing key chains - can't get lost in the laundry or run away pockets - can't get lost in the messy car - get the picture? It's nestled away sweetly in the comfort of the secure and safe zippered pocket inside my handbag.

So off I went to rummage through my bag to find the key. Why lug my entire purse to the mailbox when it was so late out - well after 9:30pm - and I was going to be walking by myself, so there would be no distractions to take my mind off the key protection at hand.

~*~rummage rummage rummage~*~


I check the other zippered pocket inside my purse. No key.

I panic a bit and think that maybe I had lost my mind the last time we checked the mail and I somehow set the key down on the middle console of the car. So out to the garage I went to check...


I checked the glove box - no key. Under the seats - no key. In the back and the very back and in every tiny spot a little golden key could hide, but to no avail - no key!

Back into the house I went and dumped the contents of my purse in its entirety out onto the counter. I sifted and sorted, but still no key.

I took every piece of clothing out of my closet and checked each and every pocket - no key!

I drilled my husband as to if perhaps just maybe he took the key to work thinking it was a work key by mistake..."No, the mailbox key looks nothing like my work keys, I never would have done that..."

True enough that was, but I still had to ask, you know?

I spent an HOUR looking and then went back to square one and RECHECKED the very first zippered pocket inside my handbag.

And magically, tucked away in the itty bitty bottom corner of the pocket - a spot I somehow overlooked, there rested the mailbox key I had so diligently been searching for.

While I'm so glad I found the key, I do worry about my sanity!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Latest Project!

With the conclusion of the first Fanguard - Vanguard's Real World Community Event, I've started up a Fanguard blog to gather all that was revealed into one collective.

Fanguard Blog