Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Move

From my perspective, the move was fantastic! I left all the boxes and packing and garage sales and painting and cleaning and and and early. I took the munchkin and we headed off for 16 days of relaxation in Oregon while my in-laws and husband took care of all the hoorah.

The day or so before we left, the little one made her presence definately known when she somehow managed to open up a gallon of white paint and dumped it over onto the nice hardwood floors in the kitchen - a good portion of it going onto her, and a good portion going all over the wood, into the creases of the hundred year old floor, and swishing around as if we had planned for a pool of paint to make a new home next to the sink.

I've never seen my family move so fast.

I, very carefully, carried the busy bee child of mine to the tub to wash her up. I was really concerned she was going to get the paint in her eyes and/or mouth. Success though. That didn't happen.

My husband and in-laws moved as if they were half mutants exercising their speedy superpowers in paint clean up. Amazingly enough, every last spec was cleaned up off the floor and they worked so quickly that none of it even set up in the creases of the floor boards.

All the paint even came out of everyone's clothes. Luck was definately on our side that day.

With that challenge behind us, although everyone loves the dear munchkin a lot, with all the work that still needed to be completed before the moving van pulled out of the driveway, the family wasn't exactly too broken hearted to see us fly off west.

We arrived in Oregon and while it was very relaxing not to have to pack or stress or anything of the moving sort, I had entirely new challenges to manage.

The house was not baby proofed. And even though I always wish and hope my husband I realized all that he does do since he wasn't around to do anything. So if the 16 days did nothing else, they at least taught me to be a bit more patient and appreciative for the help I do get. It sure would be a lot harder if I had to do this whole baby thing on my own day in and day out. Definate kudos to the single parents out there.

Arriving in California was amazing. Blue skies. Sunny. Palm trees!

And my husband and my in-laws had worked their tails off to get the house all situated and clean and organized so that me and my big pregnant behind wouldn't have to worry about a lot of unpacking. The kitchen was entirely set up, and despite any fit I might have had about 'but it's my kitchen and I want things in my own special spot'...I have to say, my mother in-law did a fantastic job. I've really had to move very few things to make myself feel comfy in the kitchen. And my husband knew just how I'd want all the furniture, so that was set up perfectly.

I have no complaints. I did toss a minor fit on the phone when my husband told me he threw out our old, icky pillows and bought brand new ones. I wanted to be part of the pillow buying process. Whatever. I was being mental. The pillows are great, and I guess I just needed something to be persnickety about.

I even have my very own potted palm tree on my back porch.

Life is good.


Im A Foto Nut said...

I'll bet you felt like a queen! I will be going on vacation tomorrow, and will not have internet access again until the 10th.

The first quesiton I have is, How far is the nearest Starbucks? LOL

Raul Duke said...

Sounds like it went way smoother than our move across town went. I'm glad you made it safely!

Laura said...

I am still rolling my eyes about the paint!!! Holy cow..that could have been reeeeeally worse than it was. Ugh...can't turn your back for a girl empties the fridge. I am so glad you are getting settled and it's been mostly stress free. :)