Friday, July 01, 2005

Bug Inspired

The Artful Blogger is always posting bug pictures. The area I live in really doesn't have any bugs. Maybe it's just too hot? Too dry? Too many bug sprays? I don't know, but I've been looking since I arrived. The only pictures I've been able to come up with so far are the ones in this post. I like the bee who's really got his 'head into his work' with one arm straddling each side of the flower.

Images Copyright Insanity Infusion - - All rights reserved.


Marianna said...

Oh, definitely! I love that bee, even though he's a BUG! Yuck!

Great shots.

Laura said...

I love these!!!!! Yes, since I got the cool macro lens, I have become more and more aware of the insect and arachnid world. I'm getting better at finding the little buggies, too. Very cool, sistah.