Thursday, August 26, 2004

Gummy Bear Aware

So Walgreens has Black Forest Gummy Bears on sale for 2.50 for a bucket of them. Not only do Black Forest Gummies have the best flavor, but they are also the only bears that I know of that are made with the little fur marks on the candy. Not to forget, stretchability is really important. Don't try to deny that you torture your gummy bear before you eat it.

So I'm thinking and wondering, as I look at this bucket of glorious chewable yum, how do other people eat their gummy bears?

Do they pluck them one at a time from the bucket?

Eat all of one color from the bucket before moving on to the next color?

Mix colors?

Leave a particular color until the end because you hate it and you're going to toss them? because you love it and you want to savour them?

Ever confuse the cream colored ones with the yellow ones when you are nibbling them in a dark or dim room?

Do you stretch them first? bite their heads off first? nibble the limbs off one by one? What's your gummy torture method? or do you just plop them into your mouth whole?

When someone else asks you for one, do you ask them what color they want?

Do you give them the color you hate or the color you love, if they say they don't care?

Do you wait to see if they are going to eat it any particular way?

Do you always chew them on one side of your mouth?

I wonder.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Black Forest Gummy Bears are the best Gummy Bears. Have you ever tried chocolate covered ones? I know it sounds strange, but they are actually pretty good.

Yup, 1 at a time from the bucket. Favorite colors first until I get towards the end. Then I realize I don't want my last gummy bear to be one that isn't my favorite. So then I start eating the still good but not my favorite gummy bears until just my favorite are left. Now as far as eating style, who can eat just one? Therefore eating style varies depending on how many I eat. I first just eat them whole. Then I'll stretch them. Biting heads and limbs are always a plus. I haven't done this in years, but biting off heads and putting them on other bears is also fun.

Sharing gummy bears? Do people actually do that?

Of course you're curious as to how they eat their gummy bears. Don't you wonder how they eat their Oreos?

Have you ever tried sucking one like a lifesaver? They last pretty long. How long, I'll never know. Can't resist eating him.

quinn said...

One at a time, except for the occasional joy of a handful at once.

I start off working with my least-favorite colors until they're all gone, and I save my favorite colors for later.

The cream and yellow ones can indeed be difficult to tell apart.

The exact torture method depends on my level of boredom-- the more bored, the more elaborate. If I'm eating while doing something else, they go into the mouth whole.

I do ask about color, but if given free choice, am more likely to relinquish a color I don't like.

manababies said...

I can't remember the last time I had gummy bears, but I do remember the last time I gave my daughter a gummy bear vitamin. She insists on eating all the orange ones, so thankfully the yellow ones look somewhat similar to the orange ones. I just don't understand at all why she shuns the red ones! They're the BEST!

Jenn said...

Hey thanks for all the baby advice!

And I don't share them, I stretch them out, bite their heads off, chew, and then finish them off. And I ALWAYS eat the red ones first, then the green, then the yellow, then I mishmosh the rest.

Helpful? ;-)

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