Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tipping the Scales

Life sure is busy now with two children - toddler + newborn.

I brought the baby in for her 1 week check up last Friday and she hadn't gained back as much weight as her pediatrician had hoped for, so I have to bring her back in to the doctor this coming Friday for a quick weigh-in.

Her cheeks and fingers are looking pudgier so there's hope that she'll have put on a good amount of weight.

Otherwise, she's doing fantastic! She's really a wonderful baby, although she seems to like the wee hours of the morning to be awake and playful.

The older munchkin is adjusting as well as can be expected. She's been patting the baby's head gently and chorusing, "YUCK!" at the same time. But she also gives the new baby a lot of kisses and hugs and doesn't really understand why she can't carry her around the house. After all, according to her, she's shown that she can carry four babies and an assortment of other toys around the house all at the same time AND manage a sippy cup. How much harder could a baby be?

Without snow and the temperatures being in the 60s yesterday, it's so hard to believe that Christmas is less than a week away!

Motherly duties are calling - Good luck to all my readers in surviving the mad, crazy shoppers and drivers out there before the joyous arrival of Christmas.


Leesa said...

Too cute. I can see her now trying to carry baby and sippy cup too:)

Marianna said...

I'm so glad everything is going well for your sweet family!

Best wishes & happy holidays to all of you!

Hugs to both of your girls.


Raul Duke said...

Merry Christmas Insanity and family!!!