Sunday, May 15, 2005


I tossed and turned endlessly last night. I was having one of those half asleep half awake dreams. I thought there was street cleaning going on or that the garbage men were making some special trip. But when my mind finally came to a full awake, I realized there were flashing lights beaming through the second story windows into my bedroom. I peeked outside and saw a fire truck in front of my house - an ambulance next door.

I peered out for a little bit and then decided I should lay back down in bed. It really wasn't any of my business being a lookie-looer into the unfortunate happenings next door.

But then as I laid there in bed, I became worried that perhaps something had happened to the nice neighbor man, Richard, that we've become friends with.

At this thought, I got back out of bed as I heard commotion in the front yard. As I looked through the blinds again, I just caught the glimpse of feet under a sheet on the stretcher as the EMTs placed the person in the back of the ambulance.

Then I worried that my husband would come home (He was out with the boys.) and see the fire truck and ambulance outside our house and freak out thinking something had happened to us. But shortly there after, the ambulance and fire truck drove off.

Whoever it was that they took to the hospital, I hope they have a comfortable and peaceful recovery or a smooth moving on.

I always hate seeing things like that, because my heart always feels for the person and the family.

I couldn't really sleep much the rest of the night.


Laura said...

Eeek..hopefully the head was uncovered along with the feet. Hope that person is ok..
The ambulance is across the street from us several times a month..she'a a hypochondriac though, not someone who is sick in the literal sense. Eeesh..
We need to catch up.

Amelia said...

Oh yes, I hate seeing things like that too... I always think of their family and the people they love.

By the way congrats on the pregnancy :))