Friday, May 06, 2005


Copyright Insanity Infusion

I was sitting in English class on the lasy day of high school. A girl that sat in the next row over that I rarely ever talked to turned to look at me and then turned away again. We didn't chat much. Not because I didn't like her, or that she didn't like was high school. Silly. I just didn't know her - she didn't know me. We hung in different crowds.

She turned to me again and this time spoke.

"Do you have any Senior pictures left? Do you want to switch pictures?"

I'm not sure if this was a common occurrance in high schools during the Senior year, but at my high school, everyone got their Senior pictures taken, with lots of wallets included in the photo packages, and then you swapped photos with people to keep as a memory of who you knew in high school.

"Sure!" I say.

We each spend a moment signing a little something on the back of the photo and then exchanged our pictures.

It just wasn't ~cool~ to jump at reading what the other person wrote on their photo, so I thanked the girl and we each tucked our new photo away.

Later on I read what she had written -

"Remember, a weed is just a flower that hasn't been found useful yet."

That quote has always stuck with me.

I carried it with me through college and into the real world and it's always helped me see people for who they are.

I don't think I was ever a person who didn't strive to know the ~real~ person and I've spent my life getting to know people from all walks of life...but it's always bothered me that the girl in high school might have thought me shallow.


Leesa said...

Great story, makes you think. Beautiful photo, too!

Im A Foto Nut said...

I wouldn't worry about being shallow. High School is such a weird time for everyone.

By the way, You could have used those Birth Control Glasses a little earlier. That is, unless of course, you were trying to get this way. LOL