Thursday, July 28, 2005

Crazy Dream

Last night I tossed and turned a bunch. I had a very crazy dream, and like usual, I remembered quite a bit of it:

I was in some store similar to Walmart. There were ladies who worked there behind a counter and then several other ladies just hanging out in the store. One woman asked me if I was going to be buying my daughter a new toothbrush.

"Why I'm on my way right now to get her one..."

Then as I was walking out of the store, the woman behind the counter said under her breath to the other ladies, "With a mom like that, I doubt that little girl is going to get one any time soon..."

I heard her say it plain as day, and I turned and confronted her. It got ugly and then the next thing I know I'm in a huge verbal confrontation with about five women in the store - all of us making rude comments to each other baiting each other trying to see who would take the first blow.

I left the store eventually (with no recollection of how the argument ended) and was heading to some Chinese restaurant called Dynasty in my dream. I was supposed to be meeting my mother there, but she had errands to run first. Now my daughter has disappeared from my dream at this moment, and I found myself looking for a ride from anyone who would be so kind as to give me one to this so called restaurant Dynasty.

In a cafe that I walked in to, I ran into a couple people that I had gone to highschool with. Now honestly, I don't think I've seen these people since I was actually IN highschool, so I'm not sure why they were in my dream. Highschool for me was a very long time ago. At any rate, they were very friendly and offered to take me to the restaurant.

As we were driving through town, I kept asking about several new restaurants that we were driving past. They chuckled a bit as apparently the restaurants weren't new, it's just that I hadn't been in town for a long time.

I don't think I ever ended up at the restaurant, because the next thing I know, I'm at these two people's house. We're chit chatting and whatnot and it was time for me to get going, although now I was going to walk as I had headed toward the door with no plans of them driving me anywhere - unless by some magical sense a vehicle showed up outside their house for me. I don't know.

Anyways, as I was getting ready to leave their kitchen area, they asked for my email address. I kept trying to write my name, and I kept being unable to write it neatly and in a straight line. No matter what I kept writing crooked. After what seemed like 50 attempts to write my name and email address, I was able to get it down on paper in a half legible manner which by then was good enough and I left their kitchen area.

Upon walking out of the kitchen, I headed down a hallway to which I peeked a glance into a bedroom. In this bedroom I saw a friend of mine that I have been trying to get a hold of unsuccessfully. His entire room was decorated in citrus orange. His mannerisms were cold and unwelcoming and basically told me to leave him alone. Crushed at this stance, I walked out of the house upset.

I just wanted to get back to my own apartment. My husband and I were living in a high rise apartment. As I got a few blocks away, I decided that it would be quicker if I just ran home. So there I was, running. Then all these other people with numbers pinned on their shirts went running by me. Some asked me where my number was. Others just looked at me strangely. Someone said, "Oh you're in the race!!"

I said, "No, I'm just running for fun."

"Running for fun?? But everyone here is in the race!"

And then they all proceeded to whisper about me not being in the race I presume. They were whispering so I really didn't know what they were saying.

I arrived at the apartment complex, and Halloween had just passed. There were boxes and boxes of candy. Two of my friends were standing next to a stack of boxes chatting and rummaging through them. They say Hi to me and ask me how I am. I briefly tell them I'm not doing so well - give a short recap of the store argument, the missing Dynasty restaurant after having no ride, the loss of a friend, and the whispering of the passerbyers...I tell them, "I NEED a gigantic Reeses Peanut Butter Cup..any of those in there??" and we all started looking through the boxes for the mother of all Reeses cups.

Then I woke up.

And on a side note: The baby is VERY healthy and a girl! :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the baby being healthy.

Marianna said...

Congratulations on a healthy baby girl on the way!

We all seem to be having some intense dreams lately. I looked up mine on & it fit in to my stress level these days. I dreamt of ants on the toilet seat. How strange!

Hope you have pleasant dreams tonite!


Laura said...

A baby am smiling... ;)

And lay off the spicy food before bed,!