Saturday, July 02, 2005

So Tired

After not having seen much of my husband during the week, we exhausted the day driving all over the place looking at land to possibly invest in for building a home on at some later time. The munchkin was a trooper considering she took her nap in her carseat and ate lunch on the go, and we even dragged her poor little self out to dinner tonight as well. I really would like to go into more detail about our land lot endeavors today, but right now I'm.just.too.tired.

Now if I can just crawl into bed with the AC blowing and not let my mind keep my body awake...

Image Copyright Insanity Infusion - All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Raul Duke said...

Your pictures are always the coolest pictures. I'd start posting pictures on my blog but they wouldn't quite measure up.