Monday, April 24, 2006

Exciting To Me

To others this may not be a big deal, but to me it's kind of exciting.

I noticed today that four of my photos have made it on the to Explore listings for the months of March and April (Two for March and two for April).

Once Upon a Dream... Apple {in} My Eye
Yosemite Precious Baby of Mine

Click on the square photo to view the larger, more detailed size.


Leesa said...

That is very cool! Congrats :)

Marianna said...

Congrats, indeed! Love the pics of your sweet girl sleeping.


Michael said...

That is HUGE!

One is an accomplishment, two is amazing, three is incredible, four is...


Take Care

Raul Duke said...

That's awesome! The pictures are awesome too.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations...those are all amazing photos!