Thursday, April 28, 2005


I've always been a rather blunt person. Sometimes this can be a good quality and other times it can be a not so good quality.

I took the munchkin to breakfast this morning, actually lunch by the time we sat down and it's what I was in the mood for - chicken strips and fries! This is the same breakfast restaurant that I frequent often so naturally I wanted to share my happy pregnancy news with the staff since they watched me grow and grow and grow with my first pregnancy and then watched my daughter grow and grow and grow over the past year.

I wasn't expecting bluntness to be plopped back in my own lap...not in the way it was at least.

It's true that this pregnancy came as a shock, because I really didn't think I was pregnant. We've just been too busy and preoccupied - if you know what I mean. However, apparently not all that busy and not all that preoccupied, because three pregnancy tests later ...all showed that I'm pregnant.

But I'm an honest person, and while I was still smiling, I mentioned to the owner's wife that this baby came as a surprise. And she looked at me and asked me if I planned on keeping it.


It really took my breath away.

"Why of course I do. Children are a blessing! and we feel very lucky!"

So now I've spent the rest of the day wondering what expression I must have had on my face to make this woman ask such a thing. Or was she just asking to ask, because I certainly thought I looked happy about the coming of this new baby.

It wasn't like the moment was drawn out or anything of the sort, but it really has felt drawn out in my mind.

Everyone else I talked with was cheery and upbeat, why did this woman ask me that?


Im A Foto Nut said...

Well if your were preoccupied I bet I can guess with what. LOL

Congrats again.

The sad this is that the world has come to such a place that a question like could seem normal.

Marianna said...

I'll play devil's advocate because I guess I try to look at the glass 1/2 full. Perhaps she was preoccupied herself with things going on in her life & she just blurted out the 1st thing in her mind... which, in this case, unfortunately, wasn't the best thing to say. In this day & age, asking if one is "keeping the baby" isn't uncommon anymore. What a sad world we live in.

Don't let it get you down ~ I know you are just as cheery & trying to pack up your attic & what-not. Now quit talking about food, darnit! lol


Raul Duke said...

I think she's just one of those people that says the first thing that comes to mind without thinking about it. She sounds really stupid. I think you should have responded with "Keep it? As opposed to what?" to see what answer she gave to that. I'm sure it would have been a blank stare or something.

If you didn't get the e-mail I sent you - congratulations. That's great news for you guys.

manababies said...

How totally inappopriate! I wouldn't even expect anyone to say that to you if you were some poor, destitute, single mom with 4 kids running around. But fact of the matter is, you were a regular patron at her restaurant, and it's plain to see that you're well-dressed, your daughter is well-dressed, um don't know about your husband (JUST KIDDING!). But my point is, you're a regular paying customer there so that was a pretty stupid thing to say to you. But then, she just might be one of those people who is always saying inappropriate things. Can you imagine WORKING for her? Eek!

Raul Duke said...

I think I'd almost rather poke my eyes out than work for someone like that again. I think manababies hit it right on the head. I worked with a lady once that would from time to time ask women when the baby was due. I always thought she was just good at knowing, or knew the people she was asking. One day she asked a lady that responded "I'm not pregnant." She was stupid enough that she kept at her for a good five minutes with kick to the head phrases like "Are you SURE?, You LOOK pregnant? Have you checked? You REALLY do look pregnant." Some people are just stupid. See my blog for the morons I ran in to this morning.