Sunday, April 24, 2005

Kids These Days

So here I was, reading a juicy blog entry and my munchkin was happily emptying the contents of her diaper bag. Yes, Manababies, the same diaper bag as when you were over on Saturday with the very same contents...except I didn't let the kids emtpy it then. THANK GOODNESS!

So deep into reading and thinking and wondering what must have been going through the head of Marianna (like Banana)...

And I hear this cha-chink-cha-chink-roll-chink-roll-chink...

I suddenly remembered there had been a bottle of aspirin in the diaper bag from our flight to California...and the rattling of the pills sounded very ~clear~ and ~loud~ and when I glanced down from my monitor...

My little girl, the genious that she is, somehow opened the child proof cap and was dumping pills everywhere!! Thank goodness she didn't eat any...but I totally and completely freaked out - enough to make her panic. So there we both were freaking out.

I'm holding her in my lap now as all she wants to do is try to figure out the child lock lid again...and she's brushing my face with my sparkle blush brush and giving me kisses.


Marianna said...

lol... I'm glad I'm such a drama case! hahahaha...

But it's all good. He's not allowed into my life, divorce papers or not. Yeah, I might have let him in yesterday... but I needed him to hear me out. I needed my time. And I felt better because of it.

Girl! Your child is such a crafty one! She's amazing. You gotta have an eagle-eye on her. But I'm glad she didn't eat any of them.


Laura said...

Yikes!! Glad you caught her on that one, too. Clever little punkin head. :)

manababies said...

Eeps! How scary! Yeah you never, ever know what they can get into, even if it's 'child proof'. Sorta like things I think my husband can't possibly break because it's made of stainless steel or titanium, yet he somehow manages to break it. :D

Anonymous said...

When my 7 year old was 2 1/2 she climbed up on the counter, up to the cupboard ABOVE THE STOVE (no we never figured out how she got there), got the childproof lids open and downed children’s liquid Tylenol and Benedryl.

At the emergency room, the nurse was very skeptical that she could open the baby proof containers on her own. Until the nurse turned around; and my toddler proceeded to open some of hers.

After that the nurse brought all the other ER employees around to see "the smart baby".

~ D ~