Wednesday, May 04, 2005

It Was Going To Cost ...HOW.MUCH???

My doctor's office called in a prescription yesterday for me for some medication that would make me feel better. A month's supply. Upon reaching Walgreens Pharmacy to pick it up, the pharmacist said she called the doctor's office back and asked them to prescribe a different medication.

It seems the medication my doctor originally prescribed was BARELY covered by my insurance. The medication is the safest and works the best. I'm not sure why Blue Cross Blue Shield covered such a minimal amount, but they did.

"I am just getting your new medication fixed up for you and it should be ready soon."

"New medication?"

"Yes, the first medication was only covered a little bit by your insurance and even with them covering part of it, the bill was going to be over...TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS for a month's supply."

"Good gosh! Well, that's a bit much! Thank you for calling in for a second medication."

I called my husband to let him know what was going on. He was upset that the insurance wasn't covering the orignal medication more substantially...but what are you going to do? And knowing that the original medication was the SAFEST for a pregnant woman especially in her first trimester, well, he was curious as to what the alternative drug would be.

I wasn't sure the name and just told him I'd call him after I got my prescription.

Once I got home, my husband did some research on the drug that was prescribed as an alternative.

There are a few studies that show that 1 in 20 babies born to mothers who took the drug during their first trimester had birth defects! ACK!

So taking that medication was immediately out of the question. My husband called my doctor and while he agreed it wasn't the best of medications, he didn't think the risk was a big risk. Excuse me? but 1 in 20 babies with birth defects seems like a lot to me....

So here I am. Still sick. I just have to push through this and try my best to not focus on this miserable nausea. It's so consuming that it's going to be a hard challenge, but I don't have an extra 2k to toss out on a month's worth of pills, and I certainly don't want to endanger my unborn child.



Marianna said...

Holy moly!

One of my friends had the same situation & wasn't gonna pay the astronomical fee for drugs. She found out a few things she could do to help her nausea ~ have crackers next to her bed. Before she even rolled over, she'd pop a cracker. Second, she would take a vitamin supplement. I want to say it was Vitamin B?? I can't be too sure, but you might want to ask your OB. That helped her nausea tremendously. It beat shelling out the big bucks & she'd get it over the counter instead. Gawd, there's no way I'd spend that much money & risk my baby's life.


Sprinkles said...

The crackers don't help. Ginger doesn't help. Vitamin b6 in a dose of 100mg a day per doctor's orders doesn't help.

May 11th I'll find out how far along I am...let's just hope I'm further along than not.

manababies said...

Ugh, sorry you're not feeling well. I have to say, the first trimester of pregnancy, in my opinion, is the WORST. Thankfully in most cases we don't find out we're pregnant until 6 weeks or so, and that's 1/2 of that trimester out of the way. But the nausea, sleepiness, irritability, and the need to pee all the time, not to mention intense hunger but food aversions simultaneously. Let's just hope you're far along and this trimester will be behind you soon.

Anonymous said...

You must be referring to Zofran??
I had hyperemesis with the five, I had reglan (prescription and has a generic) and benedryl combo (it was acutally a subcutaneous pump) but can be taken orally as well, others that work for patients are Phenergan 12.5mg every 2 hours. Be sure to eat bland foods and take sips of water.. Drinking normal amounts of water makes those with HE very very ill.For some odd reason citrus sour seems to work, but not sweet stuff at all..

Memphis said...

Those pills must be solid gold. But I don't know how eating gold would make you feel better. What costs more than gold? Anyway, I suspect that taking any pill that cost $2000 for only a month's supply might make you sick all over again.

My mom is a big believer in the crackers and Sprite thing. Then again, both of my parents think Vasoline works just as well as getting stiches in the E.R. as well as taking the place of Alo Vera. Yes, it's a miracle drug. So maybe that whole crackers and Sprite thing isn't such good medical advice. I'll stick to computers, and in the meantime, I hope you feel better.