Monday, September 26, 2005


Update: Apparently the soda bottles aren't defective. ~*~serious eyeroll~*~ My husband seemed to open a bottle just fine. So I'm a wimp.

And - I have my blood sugar test in the morning which means no eating for me from now until after I get done with it tomorrow.

Total torture.

  • I want grilled shrimp with drawn butter.

  • A nice salad with a peppercorn ranch and baby shrimps and cashews sprinkled on top.

  • Chicken strips with cajun french fries... the good kind from McMenamins. And their honey mustard and ranch dips.

  • A true, honest, grilled cheeseburger from a charcoal grill with ALL the fixings. Well done, please.

  • I better stop there, because I'm making myself miserably hungry.

    1 comment:

    Marianna said...

    Yeah, ditto on the miserably hungry.

    Hope the test comes out good for you.

    It always works out that way ~ when you know you CAN'T eat, that's when you're hungriest.
