Saturday, June 03, 2006

A Tasty Adventure

I'm still in my funky mood, but I did get out the other day to go walking with a couple girlfriends. As usual, they were a lot of fun... lighthearted, funny, and a great support with every topic of conversation that came up.

I also got a new, fun, toy! I got a fancy schmancy espresso machine!

After reading the manual eight times yesterday I decided it was time to whip that baby out of the box and put her to use.

It's very cool... now to find some awesome espresso cups and fun mocha mugs!


Marianna said...

Un-funk! I miss you!

Enjoy the espresso.


Leesa said...

Oh cool.....we need to have espresso together!!

Gina said...

I'm addicted to mine. Welcome back!