Thursday, June 08, 2006

That Time Has Come

Dear Readers,

Since 2004 I've been writing here and enjoying every bit of it. I've enjoyed the company, the comments, the friendships I've made. I thank you for everything you've shared with me.. the things you've taught me. I've grown as a person.

It's time for me to move on from blogging. To what? I just don't know. I just know that I've always been my own #1 reader and that I'm not happy with what I'm reading any more. I'm not happy with what I'm writing. Having a blog isn't an interest at this time of my life. So I'm closing things up.

I haven't deleted anything. I want my children to have the archives to read when they are older. And maybe some time in my life I too might want to reflect back on my writings. To review. To relearn. To remember.

I've lost something and I need to go find it. Maybe some day I'll dust this blog off and return. But for now. I'm done.

Insanity Infusion

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