Monday, May 02, 2005

I Was Tagged

Marianna tagged me with this list of questions to answer. I'm not a big fan of these things, but I divulged anyways...

Reveal What Is Your Most Embarrassing Moment?

It was second grade. The entire class was standing in the hallway waiting for our teacher to lead us to our destination. She must have become distracted or pulled into a discussion, because I recall having waited in the hallway for quite some time. It was my lucky day in that I had lined up right behind the boy I liked in my class. So there we were – him and me…leaning up against the wall in line with time to spare while our teacher gabbed. I thought what better time than right then and there to show him that I like him and hold his hand. I was going to be outgoing. I was going to be forward. I really liked him and how sweet would it be to hold his hand in line? Truth of the matter is though, I wasn’t all that outgoing and I wasn’t all that forward of a person. So, I was going to have to do this hand holding discreetly and just sneak my hand to his without looking at him. I couldn’t look at him! I mean, what if he looked at me strangely? What if he scrunched up his face because he didn’t like me holding his hand? Yes, definitely wasn’t going to look at him while I held his hand. So I thought out my plan of attack in my head. I had to also keep in mind that this boy was a lot shorter than I was…would have to gauge for that in my sneak hand holding maneuvers. I waited for what I thought was a good time to put my moves into action, and then I reached my hand out and lowered it and kept my gaze straight ahead not looking at him and …and…and reached for his hand. But sadly, I was a bad judge of aim and since I wasn’t looking I couldn’t see just how far off I was….

I ended up grabbing his ~you.know.what~ instead!!!

Needless to say…it didn’t improve our relationship. I was mortified.

What Band/Singer You Would Never Admit Listening to?

I don’t have a band/singer I wouldn’t admit listening to. I listen to all kinds of music...

What is The Cheesiest Movie You Could Watch Over & Over Again?

I personally don’t think the movies are cheesy, although I’m sure my husband would disagree….but ‘Sabrina’ (version with Harrison Ford) and ‘Ever After – A Cinderella Story’ are movies I’ve watched over and over and over and over and over again. They are my two most favorite nap movies. However, I haven’t had that luxury since having my daughter….where I could enjoy a movie and nap to it.

Which Superhero would you be?

I’ve always been a fan of Storm.

Which Movie Character Do You Most Identify With?

I’m not sure I have a movie character that I most identify with. I can usually relate to awkward, clumsy, goofy, silly characters.

What Book Would You Recommend?

Sailing the Dream

What is the Last Dream you remember?

I was walking around a city neighborhood area and ventured into a parking garage. The drive sloped down in a spiral way as parking garages do, with parking slots on either side of the drive. Suddenly I was driving a stick shift car and I had my daughter in the car with me. As we were driving downward, the clutch gave out and wasn’t working and the car was slowly getting out of control. Just as I turned us around the corner, it slowed to a stop and we got out. Now my daughter was in her stroller and we were standing there looking down the ramp at two cars that obviously had had car troubles on the same slope I had just drive down. One car had rammed into the back of another car. All crunched up. Gasoline flowing all over – spraying and pooling. I knew with the state of the cars, that the gasoline was going to ignite, so I took the stroller firmly by the handlebar and went running the opposite direction back toward the top of the garage to the street level. Upon reaching the entrance, it was now in shambles and shaky looking – semi boarded up with bits and pieces of metal frames and nails hanging loosely. Out of desperation to exit the garage before the gasoline blew up, I took the stroller and we went busting through the blocked doorway. As we pushed our way through, the entire frame came crashing down around us and boards and metal were flying and shortly after that the gasoline exploded. Then I woke up.

What is Your Favorite Board Game?


What is Your Unusual Talent?

I’m an average run-of-the-mill type of person. I don’t think I have an unusual talent.

If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?

A puppy. Who doesn’t love puppies? They always get treats, snuggled with, kissed, and taken everywhere.

I'm not going to tag anyone to do this quiz. I'll leave it up to free will. If you want to take this quiz, steal it from me and have fun!!


Marianna said...

I absolutely LOVE "Ever After ~ A Cinderella Story".

Thank you for doing this, sweetie. :)


Laura said...

I am wondering what that dream meant??? Cool! And I'm still laughing at your embarassing moment!!! Package check...

Im A Foto Nut said...

OK OK OK, my head is spinning LOL you changed your background yet again. (Bakc to white like it was before you started. Having troubles making up are mind are we? :O)

Memphis said...

OK, clearly grabbing the elephant by the trunk doesn't get the desired response in 2nd grade. But you know, if you had waited until you were both seniors in high school to do that I'll bet he would have asked you out. Ah, hindsight is 20/20. Whatcha gonna do?