Saturday, May 21, 2005

Nacho Cheese - More Please!

The three of us went out to dinner at the pub up the street tonight. It was a nice day out today, so the evening air was still fairly warm and lots of people were out and about. We were able to eat outside in the beer garden and enjoy the fresh air along with the good food.

The munchkin had nachos for the first time. My husband documented it with his camera phone since I didn't have my camera with me. Note: The pictures were taken ~after~ we wiped her up a bit. She had taken a few very cheesy chips and smeared them across her entire face. She was covered from hairline to chin in nacho cheese and even had it nearly in her eyes and up her nose!

Nachos are Delicious!

I can't get enough nachos!


There were times when she'd nibble off the part of the chip that had cheese on it, and then hand back the bare chip for my husband to add more cheese to it.


Marianna said...

omg.... she's soooo precious! I just wanna gobble her up too!


Chiraag said...
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Laura said...

She is pure sweetness you know...and I love a girl who's not afraid to enjoy some good snacky foods! Erin is the same way and I love it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip on what >not< to feed my kids :)

BTW, Nathaniel does the same thing "This bread needs more butter/cheese/tastybits", eats the tasty bits and repeat ad infinitum.

Im A Foto Nut said...

I have a picture of Big Sister when she was little with Chocolate the same way.

Just remember, when in doubt...


The Complimenting Commenter said...

That is adorable. I love it when kids go crazy on something for the first time. Thanks for sharing the great post and pics.

Amelia said...

Oooh.. looks like she loved 'em :)