Wednesday, May 11, 2005


The appointment at the doctor's this morning went GREAT!

The doctor said things couldn't look any better than what they do. There's only ONE baby...whew! I was concerned there might have been more given how nauseous I've been.

"Oh so you've got a lot of nausea?"

"Oh very much so yes! It's worse with this pregnancy than with my little girl."

My doctor smiles.

"You see, this is great. I just love it when you come in...tell me you feel like shit...and I get to stand here and smile about it. Because if you feel like shit, that means the baby is healthy."

Thanks Doc!

He's such a smartass. A very nice man though.

I got pictures of the baby today too. We saw the head, the body, legs, arms, beating heart, umbilical cord...

Estimated Due Date: December 20, 2005. However, I'll probably be induced early.


manababies said...

LOL your doctor is so funny. Mine smiles when I tell him about my aches and pains. He has NO CLUE in that regard. Maybe his smile means, "Heh, better you than me!"

Glad everything went well. December is a GREAT month to have a baby. I should know, I had two that month. Hehe. But seriously, every birthday is so memorable, even more so if Christmas is mixed in. But what's important is that HE is born healthy and that you stay rested and stress free. I'm sure this is a big load off!


Marianna said...

Wonderful update at the MDs office!

Hugs to you, gal!


Laura said...

Yay! And Whew! A Christmas Bee. Aw..I can't wait to see your ultrasound pics at 20 weeks. What do you think..Adding a brother or sister for your munchkin? Any inklings?

Anonymous said...

Haven't been around for a while, so this is a little late, but


Glad to hear everything looks good.