Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A Smidge Better

My nausea is a little bit better - thank goodness! Not entirely, but now at least I can stop focusing on it every.single.moment.of.the.day.

My inlaws are coming out in a couple weeks and I have so much to do before they get here. Granted, they are coming to help me get us in order, packed up, and the place all situated, and the moving van loaded and on the road....but, I want them to think I've done a little work at least!! It's just been entirely hard to do with the munchkin and being sick. It will be nice to switch off with my mother in law for watching the little one and packing. I know she's excited to spend some time with her grand daughter.

I wish I was magic and could zap boxes full of household items all packed perfectly and safely and without effort!


Marianna said...

Glad you're feeling better, gal!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry your insurance doesn't cover the Zofran.. I hope it lets up for you very soon.. Small meals and small amounts of fluids at one time..