Sunday, April 17, 2005

I Need Lots of Boxes

We're moving to Fresno, CA!

I have so much packing to do right now that I don't even know where to begin or where to even start thinking.

I knew I should have started on the attic cleaning sooner.

I'm so excited - I'll have palm trees in my new yard!!


Laura said...

Oh.My.GOD. I will be on later today to IM you, if you can find your computer underneath the boxes. When? I was outside all day yesterday and saw your msg around dinner and then we had our usual crazy Sunday it's-a-school-night night. Ugh..we'll catch up today.

Marianna said...

Oh my God times 2! You're WHAT?!?! Holy crapola! Wow... that's AWESOME!!! Take us with youuuuuuuu!


manababies said...

Don't be surprised if you find a stow away in your moving van. You think the family will notice I'm gone, even if I leave a freezer full of food and a stack of pbj sandwiches?

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you!!! Good luck with the packing. Let us know more when you can.