Friday, February 17, 2006

Daunting Dreamland

I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep lately. Mind is full. Children are busy. Hot. Cold. Strange noise. Phone. Hungry. Uncomfortable. List.goes.on.

But when I have been sleeping, my dreams have been entirely crazy, long, and vivid.

Last night I had a dream where I was in a restaurant and my mother decided to hang from the curtains naked. Now mind you, she's an attractive woman, but watching your own mother hang from curtain rods in public place completely nude...dreamland or not, it's not really a pleasant experience. And when our waitress noticed what my mother was doing, instead of being aghast, she decided to join her... only just as soon as she hung from her knees upside down, the only hair she had on her head were two braids hanging from the sides of her head and she was bald as a trailer hitch on the top. It was freaky to say the least... and her bald head was a bit disturbing too coupled with the scary grin she had on her face.

Then the night before last my dream was so very long changing from one location and scene to the next and yet somehow it was all tying in together.

I was at some house that's unfamiliar to me in my waking world. I don't know if it was a familiar house to me or not in my dream world. The house was long and full of white woodwork, lots of windows and hardwood floors. Country/beach house style in decorations...and quiet. Very quiet. Lots of doors and a couple staircases. But primarily windows...walls of them. I had decided that the quietness of the house was too much for me and I decided to investigate what some of the commotion outside was about. As I left the house and began walking up the dirt road, off to my left was a hillside and lots of trees scattered about a green lawn shaded by the evening hours coming to rest.

Up in the trees I heard shouting and yelling and other muffled noises expressed with gruffness.

In the dusk, I changed my glance to my right and noticed a group of children playing. Among them were a handful of adults.

As to not be in their way, I ventured toward the left just a bit and one of the men that was supervising the children ran up to me. He warned me that I had no belonging up in the dark area of the forest at night...even in the early evening there were precautions one should take. I believe he was a police man of sorts, but in recollections I can't be sure.

I brushed off his words of warning and walked a bit into the dark forest anyways. Just on the edge of it, no further. And the details are hazy, but I recall being approached verbally from a distance and I felt alarmed and scared. I ran back to the house, to which no children were playing on the path any longer. I locked the door and proceeded through at least two more doors and locked each of them behind me. I had been hoping for a feeling of security with each door that I locked, but I could still see the dark forest looming outside since the walls were all windows.

I sat in the house alone and soon found myself wandering a bit.

I came across my grandfather who has been long passed for nearly two decades now. I was so surprised to see him standing before me.

"You're back!??? You're back!!!"

He said nothing.

His silence didn't seem strange to me in my dream, I was so focused on the fact that by some miracle he had come back from the dead.

From that scene I ended up at the hospital with my husband and daughters. We were supposed to go to room #108. It had felt like we hadn't eaten all day, so my husband sent me to the hospital room while he gathered up some food for us.

I walked down the hallway and glanced at the door to #108. The door was closed, however doors #107 and #109 were wide open and those rooms were emtpy. I thought it was strange that our door was closed, so I opened it slowly. In front of me was a woman on a large exam table hooked up to endless wires and contraptions.

"Oh I'm sorry. Pardon me!" and I closed the door quickly and walk back to my husband.

He assured me we were to be in room #108 and we all walked back as a family. Only this time, my husband told me it was a hospital policy that we walk naked back to the room. So there we were. Walking naked down the hospital hallway back to our room #108. I felt so embarassed and exposed and thought the hospital was rather strange to make us walk so indecently.

When we got back to the room, my husband opened the door all the way this time compared to my partial opening of it... to show that the room really had four areas for four different families to stay in. My husband asked the woman on the end if she could move to the next station over. For some reason we needed to be on the end by the door...perhaps because we were expecting company.

My grandfather showed up again then and my grandmother (who's now been passed nearly a decade although in my dream it didn't feel like she had ever died) and another girl showed up. She felt to be a peer of mine. Someone I confided in. Someone I had attended courses with. Her face and demeanor were unfamiliar to me.

We were happy that my grandparents had arrived and my grandmother was being her silly self and was walking backwards away from us toward the curtain that separated our area from the next family's. She stepped wrong and fell flat on her bottom. She kind of chuckled as we all asked if she was okay and tried to help her up.

But the family next to our area was so irritated that we asked them to move over from their original area because their area was now smaller. The woman in the next area over who was elderly was fuming mad and very belligerent. She decided that even though the curtain designated a wall of somesort, she was going to push the hospital bed over in to our area anyways to give them more space. She did this in such a hasty manner that she ended up knocking my grandmother in the head.

We all let out a wail of alarm. Only the woman didn't stop. She proceeded to bulldoze my grandmother across our area and smush her up against the wall. I grab my grandmother, who at first glance looked terribly beaten and pummeled, and helped her up. I looked her closely in the face and asked if she was okay... but then she only had a small scratch on her face and beyond that was fine.

I turned to ask my grandfather something and POOF he was gone. The only person left in the void room now was the girl my age who appeared to be my peer of some sort.

I turned to her and asked her where my grandfather went... She told me he was never really here to begin with. And I resisted her words and insisted that he had come back. At this point she brought up the fact that he hadn't spoken at all and how could he have vanished so quickly if he had really returned...

From this moment, her and I head off to some sort of seminar or course. I was unprepared as usual. I didn't have anything to write with. I didn't have any paper. I took a seat in the small attic setting of a classroom next to a window and watched the other seats filling in with more peers...

I turned to the girl I came there with, "Can I borrow some of your paper?"

As she handed me a few sheets, I woke up.


Leesa said...

Wow..that's a wild dream.

Ian C. said...

Well, I feel better knowing that someone else has been having stranger dreams than me.

On the other hand, I want to know why I had a dream of Ann Arbor, MI getting engulfed by a tidal wave last night. One minute, I'm driving along, the next, I'm swimming out of my car.

Marianna said...

Yowzah, girl. That's some intense dreaming!

I barely remember my dreams after I wake up, but some of them stay with me.


Brian the Mennonite said...

I loved reading this. If and when you get some clarity about this dream...I think it is very meaningful...would you please let us know.
When I read of someone else's dreams, I immediately think of how each character would have meaning in my life if I dreamed that same sequence of events.
Where's Daniel when you need him?