Monday, February 27, 2006

Google Video

Well, since we were traveling we missed ~Date Night~. Date night for us is whenever Survivor is on. We avoid distractions and usually do something fun for dinner and watch the show together. Quality time set aside for us outside our busy schedules.

We were really bummed out that we missed the episode on Thursday. BUT!

Yes, BUT! ...

Google Video has it for sale! Now we'll have two date nights this week - hooray!

And my husband already informed me we're going out to eat tonight...yay! Hot salsa, cold beer... HERE WE COME!

But I also noticed while browsing through the Google Video catalog, that they give you the option of putting videos on your site or blog...

So I'm testing it out by putting my daughter's favorite song (she still LOVES this song...) on the blog here:

How fun! I'm sure as time goes on, more and more videos, movies, and tv shows will become available... Heck, I may not have to subscribe to cable tv after too long!


Marianna said...

LOL ~ Wow! What a trip y'all had! Man, I've never seen that many carrots either. The pics of your land are beautiful.

Enjoy your dinner tonite!


The Gabster said...

Like the idea of having a video on u'r blog! I'm gonna try it!!