Monday, February 20, 2006

Groovy Guess Tuesday #1

Every Tuesday I will post a new photo, macro or relatively close-up, of something in my house that's been kaleidescoped. It's up to you to guess what it's a picture of... the original photo will be revealed on the following Tuesday along with the next puzzle.

Who will be the first one to guess? and win??

I'll post a second ~easier~ version of the original before next Tuesday if it looks like no one's guess is close... Good luck!

Groovy Guess Tuesday #1
Click on the photo for more viewing options.

If you would like to post the button on your site, click the button below to get the link.


Groovy Guess Tuesday Game



Marianna said...

Hmmm... it's beautiful, whatever it is.

I'm going to guess a hair barette of your daughter's?


Leesa said...

I was thinking a princess tiara?

Nature Girl said...

I think its a plastic gem...or a scrap of lace? Really? We have to wait till next week? I'm gonna die of suspense by then! Stacie

Sprinkles said...

A week is a long time I agree... long time for me at least. But I want to give everyone a fair chance to guess!

I'll post a clue picture on Wednesdays I think.

Love the guesses... keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

It is obviously very shiny and a purple-pink color, so it must belong to Munchkin #1. I would say that is a princess wand or jewel of some sort. Are we on the right track???

Sprinkles said...


While Munchkin #1 likes this item, it belongs to her little sister.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing it's a shiny pink rattle. Really have no idea but your clue was helpful :)

Anonymous said...

i'm stumped. i was going to say a hair barrette, but someone else said that. i'll be curious to find out. i'm also trying to remember what kaleidascoping does to an object.

Silly Hily said...! I've turned my head every direction it can go and still can't even come up with a guess.

manababies said...

Is it a binky? A teether? A bulb syringe???

Sprinkles said...

Oh you all are just tossing guesses out there...

I'll have to remember to be better about Hint giving!

But manababies has it...