Monday, May 29, 2006

Cleaning House

We're back and had a wonderful time!

I really was unplugged while on vacation and it felt great. I didn't even take that many pictures... although I did miss a few shots - perfect perfect shots - because I didn't have my camera with me. I regret that, but it was nice just to soak up the vacation with my family and not let my technology addiction rear its ugly head.

The munchkins are little brown berries now and I am proud to say they didn't get sunburned once.

My husband spoiled me terribly with luxuries and endless mochas beachside... and even a romantic dinner on the beach - right on the beach - without the kids!

Now I'm trying to get the house in order and do laundry and keep the toymania at a minimum since the girls are so happy to be back with all their things...

However, it's a real challenge explaining to Munchkin #1 that we can't go walking to Waikiki any more.

"Mommy? Hawaii? Waikiki??"


Nature Girl said...

WOW! Sounds like a fabulous vacation! I loved Hawaii when we just made me want to go back again. Glad to have you back. Stacie

Michael said...

I am glad you had a great vacation. Welcome home.

Take Care

Marianna said...

Welcome home, Ms. Insanity! I can't wait to see the pics!


Ian C. said...

Welcome back, Ms. Insanity. I'll have to pick your brain about Hawaii, as I might be fortunate enough to take a trip there myself this fall.