Saturday, May 13, 2006

I Was Goosed

My busy schedule continues... such is the life of a photographer and mother of two. It's a lot of fun though, especially with the new friends I've made in town that encourage and support me and tolerate my endless "ooh can we stop walking so I can snap a shot of that..." moments.

The little one is near to crawling now and she thinks her big sister is hillarious. Especially when being scolded.

We leave in less than a week for our trip to Hawaii! We are so excited although I can't say I'm thrilled about all that we have to bring.. TWO car seats.. suitcases... about a bajillion diapers... Ok, I guess it's just the car seats which are really going to be a pain. But they are needed for safety and that's just how it goes.

I think I'll go relish in some quiet time and watch The Food Network with a mug of tea... it's close to 90 outside but I've got the AC cranked and hot tea sounds good.

Happy Weekend Everyone!


I completely forgot what this post was supposed to be about! ha!

"I Was Goosed"... great title for what I wrote above wasn't it? Hardly...

Excuse me while my brain is half broken.

So I took the girls to the park yesterday and a goose nearly GOBBLED US UP!
It honestly chased us down the sidewalk with its beak and tongue flapping at us and hissing and making all kinds of nasty sounds at us.

The best I could do was grab ahold of the stroller and run like a scared little child. My husband however thought I should have put my camera to good use and knocked that little goosey out cold.

We survived... but I'm not sure I'll look at a goose in quite the same way again.

Slurp Slurp Slurp


manababies said...

Wow, almost crawling at 5 months of age? Impressive.

Geese are disgusting. We get the ugly Canadian geese here and I can't stand them. But at least your geese are pretty.

Michael said...

Geese are agressive birds. We get way too many here.

Take Care

Nature Girl said...

You must have really ruffled her feathers! ;P sorry...couldn't resist! she probably had a nest nearby. I can't wait to see pics of your Hawaii vacation! Stacie

Marianna said...

Have a wonderful Mother's Day, Ms Insanity!

LOL ~ that goose is just too funny. We have ones at the park that do the same thing.
