Thursday, October 14, 2004

Hair is a funny thing.

In response to this post.

My husband was in a similar situation in college. He didn't have a good hair stylist to go to and he decided he'd just start wearing it short short. Instead of going through the rigamarole of finding someone though, he thought he'd just do it himself with electric clippers.

That worked out great. However, on occassion my husband gets starry eyed and a romantic twinge hits him. He thought it would be ~special~ if I cut his hair. Trust me.

My husband, myself, and his younger sister were all living together when he calls me in to the bathroom.

"Hey, you wanna cut my hair, please?" handing me the clippers.

Of course his younger sister joins the fun. She probably had a good idea that this was going to turn out poorly and didn't want to miss a moment of it.

"Me?? Why me? Why not your sister? I'm not good at this."

I dawdled and dawdled and figgeted and twiddle my fingers and swung that clipper left and then right and twirled it through the air several times...

"Really? You want me to cut your hair? I haven't a clue how to do this!"

"You just take the clippers and run it over my's simple..JUST.DO.IT."

I was nervous and when I'm nervous I become even more clumbsy than I already am. So because of this, I drop the clippers on the floor. And in the process of them dropping, the razor length clip on gauge falls off leaving the shaver bare. And a bare shaver would only be used for very very close cut shaving.

I scramble and pick up the razor length clip gauge and snap it back onto the electric clippers.

Meanwhile, my sister-in-law is getting antsy and my husband is getting one wants to wait for me to worry about it any

In haste, my husband grabs the clippers from my hand and swipes it over the front middle part of his head.

His sister let out a "GAASSSSSSSP!!" followed by extreme laughter.

This was then followed by me crying with endless, "ohmygawdimsosorryifeelsobadpleasedonthateme!"

You see, when the clippers fell and I grabbed the gauge to put it back onto the clippers...what I didn't realize at the time was that I didn't grab the one inch gauge..I grabbed the 1/8th inch gauge.

So, needless to say....that short short hair style my husband wanted...he an extreme way!

I think about all my husband said was, "OH @#$%^&!>..." and then proceeded to shave the rest of his head.

I still feel bad about this...although it does make me giggle. And honestly, it WAS an accident!


Raul Duke said...

Too funny. I made the mistake of letting a friend of mine that was in cosmetology school cut my hair. I honestly believe I could not have gotten a worse hair cut, and I was borderline shaving two hours later. The only one I've had that was worse was when I was 19. Some lady kept trying to give me a chili bowl, then wanted to cut a nike swoosh in the back of my head like she did for her nine-year-old son. My dad said I looked like an AIDS patient when it was over, and my workout partner said I looked like Stallone. The girl I was dating said I had to buy a hat until it grew out.

Thanks for sharing the funny story though.

Amelia said...

Lol...Those hair clippers are sneaky little things!