I was looking through some of my old photos, and reflected back on the end of this past school year when we had our class picnic. Myself and my two team teachers surprised the children when we mysteriously disappeared for a few moments (leaving them fully supervised mind you) to snatch up some Super Soakers and absolutely DRENCHED the children.
It really made up for all those days that they gave us a hard time.
And what did they say?
"MORE!! Hit me again!!"
"Hey!! You didn't get ME!! GET ME GET ME!!"
and when our water guns were empty...in a thundering unison, all 80 students belted out,
That certainly wasn't what we had expected, but it sure was fun.
I got you!
Copyright Insanity Infusion
What grade did you teach? This feeling will pass, just think of all the rotten things that they did, and you will feel better.
Truthfully, there is little a child can do that isn't forgivable. There is little to remember of the horrible things they did...
Most recently I taught 2nd grade. However, I've taught 1st through 6th (regular education, special ed, and advanced) and done some substituting for PreK and K. Also have taught academically advanced students during a few summers at a university.
I am just switching gears now...it's not that I'm done teaching persay. I'm just done teaching other people's children. I've got years ahead of me to teach my own children...
And then...
I'll open my bar. :)
It sounds like you were a wonderful teacher. I know my children would love any teacher armed with a super soaker!
Just remember, no matter what you do in the future, some of those children will remember the fun they had in your classroom for the rest of their lives. I think certain teachers just stand out more than others, because they love what they do and they love children.
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