Saturday, October 02, 2004

Watch Out For the Post!

My parents are still visiting. We decided to head up to the British Pub up the street for some beverages and appetizers. It was a nice time-aside from the tumble our little one took from the highchair onto the floor (She's just fine!).

On our walk home, my mom decides she's going to roll the stroller while my husband carries our daughter.

As we pass this BMW parked along the edge of the parking lot, its alarm system goes ~beep beep~ and its lights flicker.

Mom stops briefly aghast thinking she caused the BMW to flicker and go beep beep. Upon looking up she realizes it wasn't her and sees a group of people heading toward the car and comments,

"Oh! That was youuu! I thought I made the car do that!!"

They smile and the owner jingles their car keys in our direction.

Meanwhile, Mom is so busy being friendly and continuing the conversation, she doesn't notice this large metal sign post ahead of her....


She walks the stroller dead on into it and it makes this loud, yet extremely comical, ping sound halting her movement.

We all started laughing, as did the group of people, with a said comment,

"But THAT ~was~ YOU!"

We laughed until we cried.

1 comment:

manababies said...

Hehe! How FUNNY! That would be totally something I'd do, even with recent and extensive experience in the stroller-pushing department.

And whenever I see that Hatuey Beer picture, I can't help but think "Patooey!". ;)