Sunday, January 30, 2005

Do They Really Think We Don't Know?

For a year now almost, I have found it to be rather comical that my tenants feel the need to blare their music when they are doing the deed. I mean, I can't see through the floor, obviously, but do they really think that when they crank up the stereo one night a week at a late hour for about 20 minutes and then turn it back down, that we're going to think they are simply playing a few of their favorite songs?

They are adults. They are married. They're going to be intimate I presume since the wife mentioned that are wanting children...but why blare the music?

Just to clarify: We can't hear anything that goes on in our tenant's living space...except for music when they blare it. So unless they never make noise, unless it's one of those times I don't think we'd really hear any of their going-ons without the music.

And an added note of agreement: David, I have to say I was thinking the same thing. You'd think the music would last for longer than 20 minutes...whether it was needed or not. And MoatesGarage, I had to call my husband at work to tell him your suggestion of borrowing their CD...was a good laugh!


manababies said...

Hmm, I lived in a 3-flat once, on the middle floor no less. The landlord lived above us and he didn't even sleep in the same room as his wife (after living there for 5 years, I knew way too much about them, way more than I wanted to know!); the other tenant lived below us and I really think I would have rather heard loud music over her "goings on" with her boyfriend. Call me a prude but that was just ICK to be able to hear, especially at night when all I can do is cover my head with the pillow. When she moved out, a middle aged man moved in, newly divorced and out to sow those wild oats of his. He played loud music all the time, and I now know why.

Im A Foto Nut said...

Too Funny, If you havent already you need to read my post titled, "Get a Room, Oh you already did."

Raul Duke said...

You should have some fun with this. Stop by one day and ask them if you can borrow that CD they had on last night because you liked the sound of it. Then say "Why do you guys play music so loud? It's almost like a ritual some nights." Either that, or when the music stops, make sure you do "the deed" loud enough that they hear it. Then stop and yell "Hey, can you turn that music back on?" That should put an end to it.

Laura said...

Ha! That was funny MoatesGarage..good idea. You have my mind wandering (David!!) about this. Just think of all the other icky/bizarre things you might hear if they ~didn't~ blare the music. For example:
1. He insists she yell out, "Spank me, Big Daddy!"
2. Farm animal noises.
3. get the idea.
I would take the music over my imagination, any day of the week.
Or, maybe they just need a rhythm. It's got a good beat and you can ~dance~ to it!

Raul Duke said...

I would even go a step further and take them some music. Just say "Here, thought you guys might want to try this. We like it know..." But make sure you hand them something like "Bump and Grind" or some form of rap music that no one likes. I'm not sure what came over me with the borrow their CD. Maybe it was the Jack Daniels on my Peanut Butter Toast Crunch or something.