Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I Was Surprised

I'm back home now and trying to get all situated again. The Holidays are EXHAUSTING, especially when you are traveling and don't have the comfort of your own bed to sink in to at night.

The day after Christmas, I had to run to the grocery store in my home town to pick up a few things in preparation for the New Year's party. I was so shocked to see every spec of Christmas stuff gone and the shelves to be plastered with V.a.l.e.n.t.i.n.e things! It was unreal. Poor Santa barely had his britches stuffed back up the chimney before Cupid was stabbing him in the ass with his arrow.

It's snowing today and lots of it. Seeing as how we've been gone for two weeks, the house has nothing in it. Well, had nothing in it. I bundled myself and the sick munchkin up in her snowsuit and we headed for the store to pick up a few items. Instead of walking to the grocery store though, we headed to the market up a few blocks. The wind and snow was awful, so I cut it short. Not to mention, I must have been quite a sight trying to push the bleeping stroller all over the streets. I honestly would have stayed on the sidewalk except no one seems to clear the sidewalks and the street cleaners pushed all the snow build up to the corners of the streets.

At one point in our walk, I gave up and took the stroller jogging down the middle of the street as if I was a car. Oh the looks I'm sure I got...especially from the policeman that I came head on with as he sat in his car wondering what the hell I was doing.

We made it home though and now I have food in the house and we got some lovely fresh frozen air into our lungs.

Snow makes me want to eat chocolate.


Raul Duke said...

I think chocolate is better frozen and that's why you like eating it in the cold - but that's just me.

It is amazing how we switch from one holiday to the next. There should be a rule that Valentines Day doesn't get put on the shelves until Feb.

Glad to see you are home safely, happy new year to both of you!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year...I am so glad to see that you are back.