Wednesday, January 12, 2005

THE Machine!

Copyright Insanity Infusion

Husband is sitting pretty with his new machine built by moi!

3.4Ghz Intel Pentium 4 Processor
10k speed HD
2 Gigs of RAM
and a 'supah shweet' graphics card Nvidia 6800 256MB PCI express

and online!

I won't hear from him for weeks!

AND! We now have heat!


Raul Duke said...

Sweet! Can I be next? That looks straight out of the Matrix actually.

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Mine looks a little like that - black case with clear side and green, red and blue lights shining out everywhere - looking kewl is half the battle of course.

I do envy your processor and video card though. I am working with a 2.4ghz and a 128 video card - and only 512 RAM.

Still, it works great on even my World of Warcraft game which is very demanding. I am going to upgrade the RAM soon - I can go as high as 3 gb, but the video cards are way to expensive right now so I am stuck with my Radeon for now.

I do have a sweet DVD writer though and an 80 gig internal HD and 120 gig external backup drive - oh, and a 19 inch flat screen monitor :P
