Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Cloud Watching

High Point:

Making my daughter a neat, little play area on our back porch. It got some of the messy toys out of the house, let her breathe in some fresh air, and allowed me to actually get a decent vaccuum in. At one point she was just laying down on her blanket cloud watching. If I wasn't so pregnant, I'd have laid down right next to her, however, seeing that I am just slightly larger than a semi truck, I chose not to for fear of not being able to get back up again.

Low Point:

Having to change my maternity clothes two times to find something that would actually fit half way decently and not make me feel like the incubating baby was choking to death. I'm sure they are fitting snug because of an accidental washing machine setting to 'Hot'. Right? Riiighhttt?


Marianna said...

lol... riiiighhht. Must've been the washing machine!


Leesa said...

I always blame the washing machine :)

Laura said...

This is great!!! I love the new site!
And I still blame the washing machine....:)

Raul Duke said...

I blame the washing machine too. I always accuse my wife of leaving jeans in there too long and that's why they don't fit as well as they did when I was in college.