Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I never did give the news from my doctor's appointment on Monday...

Everything is looking great! My doctor is out of town this week, so I saw the Nurse. She was super busy as she was doing about a million things at once and seeing all the patients for their check ups, but she was still a gem of a person and took her time with me.

Being the curious cat that I am, of course I had a fair amount of questions. None of them were essential, so I did feel a bit bad asking them since I know she was so busy, but she assured me that she didn't mind my questions at all as long as I didn't mind her running warp speed from my exam room after we were done so she wasn't too late getting to the next patient.

I had to give the standard tinkle sample, and I usually have been holding it for awhile so as I'd be sure to be able to go when I get to the doctor's office. But by the time I got to the bathroom, I had to go so bad that I completely forgot I was supposed to go tinkle in the cup until the very end and was able to just catch a drop.

"Oops! Say, you don't need very much Because, I um sorta forgot!"

She said she had enough, but I sure hope she wasn't cursing me under her breath.

The baby's heart rate was 152 or 155 (can't totally recall) which is healthy and strong.

My blood pressure is "good" - didn't get numbers on that this time, however, it's always about the same every time I go in and it's always been really good. So I can let not knowing the #s slide this time - although I'm a #s person... I like knowing specifics.

I had the nurse check my chart, and I've gained 30 pounds this pregnancy. That's a lot better than my first pregnancy!

Still holding to delivery during the second week of December, but no formal date has been set yet and again, because I'm a #s person -! I can't wait to have a solid date set for the inducing.

Seeing as how my sister-in-law had her baby a month early and that the baby was breech, naturally I had some questions about how my body seems to be prepping and how the baby is positioned.

"So, what % can you give me on how sure you are that my baby isn't breech??" (Again, there I go with the #s - I can be such a pain!)

She starts off with telling me what I already knew, "Well, we can't be for sure until we start with the delivery really, and if we have suspicions then we'll do an ultrasound to verify to determine what we need to do..."

But then she cut herself short and even though she was incredibly rushed, she took the time to do an ultrasound for me! I was SO surprised!! She definately didn't need to do that for me, but she did. She wanted to put the worry out of my mind that the baby might be breech, and the baby isn't...WHEW! Head down just like she's supposed to be. SHE'S supposed to be...

That really is something I've been mulling over lately- is the baby REALLY a girl? I'm sure the baby IS! but there's this nagging thought that she's a HE. I know I'll find out soon for sure, but it's frustrating not being settled with the fact that I was told the baby is a girl.

So I asked, "So, can you see privates???"

The nurse said she wasn't any good at that, and reminded me since I don't really have a gender preference what difference does it make? And she's right...and I will know soon enough and I'm quite certain the baby will come out a beautiful, precious GIRL!

Everything is in check and looking how it's supposed to be - my body is properly prepping for the delivery of this little miracle...I just wonder when it will all take place!


Silly Hily said...

Good gosh we are like "scary alike." I did the SAME thing at my last doc appt. Only, I just didn't have to go. I was so scared that I didn't leave enough in the cup that I called my sister from the bathroom (she's a nurse at my OB's office, it's NICE) to tell her to go check the lab and make sure I had left enough. It was really funny.
I'm so glad everything is going the way it should be. So, you didn't find out what you are having? I wish I had that kind of patience but I'm way too much of a curious person to wait. It sounds like another girl to me. Can't wait to find out if we are wrong.

Sprinkles said...

I was told it was a girl at the 19wk ultrasound, but the tech couldn't get a real solid view of privates and told me just to trust her.

But when I was in the hospital with my kidney stone, another tech did an ultra sound to make sure the baby was okay once we got the early labor stopped and she wanted to see if she could see the stone was sooo cute! but! that tech wouldn't confirm that the baby was a girl. I asked her THREE times and she still skirted it.

And I've had three dreams where I have a son...

So I just wonder! I'm honestly greatful and happy no matter what the gender is though...

Marianna said...

Oh you're giving me shivers! This is so awesome. Such a wonderful Christmas miracle for you & your family.
