A dear reader and friend that I've met through blogging sent me a beautiful present. She made me (as in with her own two hands!) a photo album for my munchkin on the way. That was so sweet and I can't thank you enough!
I've made a little photo display of it - of course the scrapbook art looks NOTHING like the scrapbook art found on this blog, but it was fun nonetheless to try to give this beautiful creation a worthy display other than just posting the regular ol' photo.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Although I have to say, my little one is just as appreciative of it as I am...she's BEGGING me to let her hold it. It's safe on the dining room table though, out of reach.
When are you due?
What a wonderful gift to receive! Isn't it great to have friends like that! They make life so fun.
I feel so completely honored that you linked to my blog and for the lovely compliments. You're so sweet. BTW ~you're photography is gorgeous and I'm totally jealous.
My doctor is being wishy washy on the actual date....I'll be induced. My ~natural~ due date is December 20th. But my doctor said he'll probably induce me on the 8th or 9th or the 13th...around there somewhere depending on how things are looking.
All I know is that I feel MASSIVE.
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