Sunday, November 06, 2005

New Online Cooking Magazine!

High Point:

Getting an interesting email about a new online cooking magazine. Any of my long time readers will soon realize why this is a highpoint for me once I reveal the magazine. I haven't had the time to really submerge myself into it, but the first few pages look FANTASTIC. But then again, it's early morning for me right now and I'm hungry. I wonder how hard it would be to get a job as a food photographer. What a perfect job for me. Although very soon I won't have a second to even enjoy a stray thought out of Babyland - but they do grow up, and rather quickly - so I'm definately not complaining. Oh yeah! The new magazine...see how scatter brained I am lately? Here it is... ~*~Can you see why I love it??~*~

Low Point:

Hungry. Nothing sounds good that's simple and non-complicated to make. Everything sounds good that requires a lot of preparation and time to make. Bleh.


Leesa said...

You are perfect for this :)

Marianna said...

Oh my gosh ~ I totally agree with Leesa. That would be such a cool endeavor!


manababies said...

Hehe, that reminds me of what someone told me long ago, how when they do photo shoots for cereal, it's white glue in that bowl instead of milk. If they used real milk, the cereal would get soggy and wouldn't look as good. :)