Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ugh and Oops

Well, the exciting part of this post is that I'm writing from my new laptop on wireless connection... sitting in front of my fire with a movie on tv all squishy comfy cozy in a recliner chair.

The bad part about this is, No Groovy Tuesday this week. My other computer's graphic's card went kapoot. As I was arguing with my friend about whether the strange and obnoxious lines on my monitor were the monitor itself or the graphics card, my PC just croaked and started physical dumping and that was the end of that with a graphics card display error.

Sooo, a BIG and GIGANTIC sassy face to my friend who thought it was the graphics card.

I did try an old graphics card in my PC, however, it was just too old and I get no graphics at all when using it. So that means I'll be buying a new graphics card sometime this week (hopefully). UntiL I get the PC up and running again, it looks like I'll be pictureless and blogging on my lovely laptop.

Ying and Yang always. The balance of good and evil. My awesome new laptop - the crashing of my desktop. Sigh.


Marianna said...

You must've been talking to some tekkie geek that had no clue what he was talking about...

We'll wait... patiently...


Leesa said...

Bummer, no miss groovy :(
Miss you!

Silly Hily said...

I'm so jealous of the new laptop. I want one soooooo bad.