Sunday, March 12, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Displacement:: Shifted Emotions

  2. Grease monkey:: Mechanic

  3. Vacancy:: Hotel

  4. Conquer:: My Own Issues

  5. Payroll:: Automatic Deposit

  6. Personal:: Hygiene

  7. Housewife:: Frumpy

  8. Lateral:: To The Side

  9. Tissue:: Muscles

  10. Multiplication:: Baby Rabbits [boom chica bow bow]


Marianna said...

I was thinking.... well, this Sunday Muttering is innocent...

THEN I get down to #10.



Nature Girl said...

Thanks for visiting mine...I answered mechanic the same, and I had a reason for Dead housewives...Honest...I'm not a complete nut..I left you an explanation in the commments..:) Stacie
ps..loved the last one..funny

Leesa said...

Love number 10 :)