Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where I'm At

My computer is still broken. In fact, it's not a single iota closer to being fixed. I have to order a new motherboard. I have no motivation to look. The motherboard I need is on it's way out and it's new and improved version is on it's way in... 478 to 775. Ideally I should order a 775, but then my processor wouldn't fit. Which would mean I'd have to get a new CPU - which I don't want to do. So I'm going to just track down the icky unloved motherboard that I've already got - only a version that's functioning.

Then I have to disassmeble my computer and put in the new motherboard into the case and all the goodies that help my computer make it run so well. And then the new fresh install of Windows OS XP and then alllll the lovely programs that were on my HD. Good times. Good times.

I'm still adjusting to the laptop. For me, it's really different typing on a laptop. Finding myself comfy cozy on the couch - although right now I'm pretty darn comfy cozy because both munchkins are napping.

The sun has started breaking through the incessant rain we've had...barely and briefly. I'm very much ready for our trip to Hawaii. It's been cold here! And I realize that cold where I live in by far not cold according to the cold standards of other areas of the nation, but my blood is already thinned out and Brr! I'm cold and have been cold a lot lately!

I bought some new shorts to prepare for the trip and a new bikini top. I'm not sure the bikini top is something I like but it will have to make do until I can find THE perfect bikini top and board shorts in Hawaii.

And in other news, I got a new double stroller. I had a front to back stroller for the girls, but I just never meshed well with it. We returned it and I got a new side by side stroller. I LOVE it! And it's not foo foo fluffy girly green in color... instead it's a nice black, red and grey.. and it handles a lot better too. Ok so the fact that I rave on and on about a new stroller shows that I definately need more excitement in my life.

I did go out for a beer with my husband two nights last week... drank a beer in a REAL bar sitting AT the bar. And then went to a Brew House Pub for green beer on St. Patty's Day. Although I was tired, as usual, it was fun to be out socializing with people my own age!

But now, I need to catch up on some of my blog reading before a munchkin comes a-callin' for me!


Nature Girl said...

Glad to see you're up and running...sort of.. I admire that you can do all that computer stuff...I'd have chucked it and bought a new one...once they break down, I never trust them again! LOL Stacie

Marianna said...

I'm just amazed that you can do all that with your computer. I know where the power button is on mine! I'm with Stacie! LOL

One of the bloggy friends I read has a laptop but she doesn't like the keyboard, so she took a regular keyboard & plugged it in to her laptop & uses that instead.

Ahhh take us with you to Hawaii!


Silly Hily said...

MAN! The computer devils need to leave you alone. Haven't you had enough already?
Congrats on getting a night out. I can't wait to have one of those.
As always, am soooo jealous of your trip. But, I can't wait to hear all about it.