Well, I think I've officially lost my brain. I'm a ditz...I'm admitting to it.
With the inlaws here, my husband and I were able to go out to dinner tonight. Just.the.two.of.us. It was the first time in ages that we were able to do that. Part of me didn't know what to do without always finding a new toy, a snack, something to point to in the vacinity, making strange noises, and smiling from ear to ear until my face hurt. My gawd, it meant we had to actually carry on a conversation with each other.
We were able to eat simultaneously. Strange. It felt very strange. But it was nice to be able to do that and know that our daughter was safe within the watch and care of her grandparents.
So when we were done drinking and eating until our bellies could take no more, we went for a little walk around the area.
It is on this little walk that I realized: I.am.a.ditz.
We went into a music store. My husband wanted to pick up a CD of 'old' Metallica. I dabbled through the stack of Dave Mathews Band. As the woman rang up 'Kill 'Em All', I saw on the shelf a sign that read 'Now Playing' and below it a box of CDs reading 'Credence Clearwater'. Instead of pointing to the box and sharing the fact that my parents just went to a concert of theirs, I turned and said to my husband, "Oh yeah, my parents went and saw them..." alluding to the sounds that were playing on the store's stereo. I mean, 'Now Playing' ~usually~ means that's what you're listening to in the store...right?
I was fat and happy off dinner though and didn't really pay attention to what was playing. My husband looks at me with a look of 'You.are.a.tard.' and then asks the granny running the counter, who then turns to her son who's restocking CDs and says the very same thing, "This Credence playing???"
My husband says, "It's Paul Simon...."
The son replies, "Yeah...Paul Simon..not Credence..."
Paul Simon, Credence Clearwater...is there ~really~ a difference? I felt like hiding inside the CD case of my husband's newly bought CD.
So I survived that moment and as we continued our walk, my husband, while continuing to chuckle at my mistake, decided he'd pick up a cigar for himself and his dad to smoke tonight. I straggle along and we continue chatting.
We're at the register again, and across the way not too far from where we're standing, I notice a cigar box from the side with its lid open. The side reads, 'Mint Especial'. So I ask, "Ooo a minty one~ You don't want one of those cigars?"
Again, I get the strange look from my husband. He replies, "Why would I want a minty cigar?"
"Well, the inside of the lid says because its 'full of flavor!'..."
Meanwhile, the cashier guy is trying his hardest to keep a straight face and him and my husband exchange that --I feel for you, man-- look.
I continue reading, "AND! They are sugar free!!...."
And I think to myself, How strange..a sugar free cigar? I didn't think non minty cigars had sugar in them...
And just then, I lean forward because curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to see how the cigars were wrapped...surely something that sounded so appetizing would be wrapped up in a neato wrapper...
..Only to realize, they were tins of breath mints!
Why would someone trick me and crate mints in a cigar box... oh.you.evil.trickers.of.the.world!
At that point, I sheepishly smiled and said, "I'll kindly be waiting outside..." and left the two of them inside having a good ol' laugh.
So, if by chance you find my missing brain, please mail it back to me. Thank you.