Tuesday, September 21, 2004


I walked to the market today to pick up some basic things to accompany dinner tonight. The cashier smiled at me as I pushed my items up onto the counter. After one quick glance at him, I say with a returned smile,

"You eat something blue?"

His lips, tongue, teeth were ~all~ blue. Looked rather silly. And I suppose I could have left it alone and not said anything, but ...well, I asked anyways.

He replied, "Oh, uh, yeah. How could you tell?"

"Your lips and tongue are all blue."

He clenched up and got all nervous.

I continue, "I bet it was good though whatever it was..."

"It was one of them slushie things...you know, the blue kind."

He stared very intensely on the buttons of the cash register and wouldn't look at me.

He said in a hushed voice, barely moving his lips, "...that's so embarrassing..."

So trying to make him feel better I assure him that that sort of thing happens to anyone who indulges in dyed goodies and that companies should rework the dyes so they don't do that to people's mouths.

I'm not sure if he felt better or worse after I said that, but he gleefully spurted out, "....~I'm a Berry Boy!!~"

I had such a hard time keeping a straight face. I wonder if he talked with clenched lips the rest of his shift or if he scrambled into the bathroom to try rinsing his mouth out.


Raul Duke said...

You can bet he hid picked up a different colored sucker, or a bottle of water to try and get rid of that. I wouldn't think it would be embarrassing, but that's just me.

manababies said...

I think he should have picked up a red slushie. Then he'd have a purple mouth! How embarassing though. hehe

manababies said...

LMAO about your MIL mewing. Heheheheh. The things babies make us do. My MIL likes to click her tongue. She thinks it's interesting to the baby, but I think he has a look of confusion on his face because he's not sure if he likes being sprinked with my MIL's spit while she's trying to make that noise. Eeew! I say you should try to get that on tape/video. I'd love to hear that. hehehhe

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