Tuesday, February 08, 2005

carne vale

Fat Tuesday...Mardi Gras...

Eat and eat well...for starting tomorrow, I'll have given up something I love and also won't be eating meat on Fridays.

I decided that this year, I'm going to give up something I eat and something I do during Lent.

I'm giving up...french fries. The mere thought of that makes me want to eat them until I'm sick...so today, no doubt, I'll be eating fries. This will really be a challenge for me...McDonald's fries are soo good..but you're not supposed to give up something that is easy to give up...right?

And then I'm giving up MSN Messenger during Lent. So, dear friends, today is my last day for being on IM for awhile. It has been a comfort for me even though I don't have much time to chat...it's like company while I'm busy during the day. It's definately hard for me to give that up. I'll chat with you on March 26th... Otherwise, there's email!

I'm taking the baby out for lunch today, if I can get my toosh in gear and the laundry finished. Then my husband and I are going out to dinner tonight, his choice of places to eat until we're stuffed. And maybe making a stop on the way home so I can pick up some McDonald's fries...

So, Internet, indulge! Earn your beads!! Have fun, eat, and be merry!


Anonymous said...

Yes, lent is upon us...I haven't decided what I will give up this year, but my husband is already groaning about meatless Fridays. I thought about chocolate, but with Valentines Day still to come I just can't. I will think harder and blog about it later. Good luck on the fries. McD's would be hard to give up.

Raul Duke said...

Yeah, not sure what's going to be gone for Lent. I told my boss I was giving up work on Saturdays. He thought Lent was a made up holiday and told me I had to work Saturdays regardless of my religion. Maybe I wasn't the only one who tried that this year because he wasn't very receptive.

manababies said...

I'm excused from giving up meat on Fridays due to my "condition", but the books say to give up something in place of that. I have no clue what this should be, but I suppose it can be anything since it's only meant to replace the 'no meat on Friday' rule.

Laura said...

I am giving up Diet Dr. Pepper. I thought long and hard about what to give up, too..and you are right. It should not be something easy to part with. I've had three already today. One more to completely deplete my supply. Sigh. I ought to be a bee-yatch on wheels for a few days until I kick the caffiene withdrawl. Maybe I should warn my husband...