Monday, February 21, 2005

Honeydew, Where'd You Go?

At breakfast this morning, as we sat amongst the crowd that had gathered to dine out on President's Day, my daughter started acting rather strangely.

She had eggs and pancakes and dry cereal and crackers...

She had potatoes and toast...

She had honeydew melon...

Each in small quantities.

But then she became quiet and focused and when I looked over at her sitting proud in her highchair, she was smiling at me with a rather unusual plumpy look to herself.

The tables of people around us, took notice, and smiled as well.

I felt like everyone within sight figured I must only feed my child when I take her out, for she had decided to stuff as much food as she possibly could, including the large piece of honeydew melon... into her shirt.

It's as if she were a human version of a squirrel storing up for the winter.

So I sat there, feeling very silly, fishing for pancake bits, and potato bits, and the slimey gooey piece of melon, and the egg and crackers, and toast...

All the while she's laughing and finding the whole situation to be very comical.

I promise! I do feed my child at home. I'm not sure what she was thinking when she felt like she needed to stash it all away into her clothing.


Im A Foto Nut said...

At that age, children do things for one reason and one reason only. Because they can!

I am glad you find the humor in it. My dearly departed ex-wife would have been horrified, then taken it out on me for several days. Your way to deal with it is far better for all involved.

When things like that happen, I always say to myself, "Self, it could be worse, you could be bald too!"

manababies said...

Sounds like she didn't want to wait for a doggy bag to pack things up :)

Raul Duke said...

Think of it this way - she's saving you money by storing all that food for later.

Anonymous said...

As always Arjeh, well written, and too true! It only gets worse, er, better! Natty ; )