Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Harboring Viruses

Lunch was a lot of fun, even though my husband wanted us to wait until he got home before we left. Hunger and adventure prevailed and we went early.

My daughter was such a sweetheart. The man bussing tables, whom is usually working at this little restaurant whenever we go, was dazzled by her. Mainly because every single time he walked by our table, my daughter would stop what she was doing and offer him whatever it was that she was holding...her fry, her water bottle, her canteloupe, her cute little piggie toy, her red plastic phone...you name it. He was busy trying to clean things up, but you could tell he was just melting with all the attention she was giving him. It's funny how some strangers she just adores, and other strangers she won't even look at and even other strangers make her cry instantly. Makes you wonder what she sees that we don't.

While we were nibbling on the hottest, freshest, biggest heap of fries you'd ever laid eyes on....a couple sat down next to us-a table over. In an easily heard voice, the gentleman says, "Well, I should go wash my hands ~again~! This is the type of place where you just touch alllllll kinds of germs!"

The woman doesn't say anything.

Then the man stands up and starts walking toward the restroom. He pauses a few steps away and returns with, "...and! Don't you touch ~anything~ while I'm gone! Viruses just harbor in things like that, that, that, and that [he's pointing to several things on the table individually]!"

And then he proceeds to walk off.

I just had to look. As soon as the man was out of sight, the woman touched every single item he warned her against. I wanted to laugh out loud. It was so typical. But then, after she got done touching everything, she took out a little handy wipe packet, ripped it open, and then scrubbed each and every one of her fingers.

When the man got back, they both wiped down their table area with another wipe. The man also laid out vitamins on his napkin.

It was odd, I tell you, very odd.

Meanwhile, my daughter was lifting up the plastic table cloth, tugging at the squishy padding underneath and licking the particle board table. While I think that's gross and stopped her right away, I hate to think what the sight of her doing that did to that poor couple...


Raul Duke said...

He probably sat back there and thought to himself "Jesus woman! You're letting her become a disease pod! Don't you know how to take care of your kid??!?!? She's going to kill you all with the viruses out there!"

Sounds to me like he suffers from OCD and his wife only eggs him on.

Im A Foto Nut said...

Man, what is it with you? It's almost like you are a weirdo magnet. First the guy in the drug store now this. I would begin to worry a bit if I were you. LOL The only reason I say this is because suffer from weirdomagnetitis also.

I work in down town Kansas City MO. One day at lunch I was walking with a friend across the street. Behind me a very srill and very loud, almost cartoon like voice said HI! I took me by such suprise that I turned quickly, then jumped again. (You should know that I am 6 foot 4 inches tall, and am every inch a man.) But this guy was HUGE. Both big and tall, very very black with very very white teeth and eyes, all of wich were framed by a very cartoon like face. It was apparent right away that he was not all there. Still it scared the stuff out of me. The person I was with laughed for two blocks.