Sunday, February 06, 2005

Corned Beef Hash and Skipping

I figured I'd do my husband a favor this morning, since he was out late and still very tired when the munchkin and I woke up, by going out for the morning so he could sleep longer without baby interruptions and normal household noises.

We walked up the street for breakfast. I'm not a big eavesdropper, but seeing as how the baby can't talk yet and I'm not into talking to myself out loud, I couldn't help but over hear the conversation of a couple who had just sat down at the table next to me.

"What are you going to order?" the woman asks.

"Hmmm, I think I'm going to order the corned beef with eggs. I really have a taste for that." he replies.

"Oh look. They have the 'Blue Plate Special'. You should order that."

"Yeah, that looks good, but I really want the corned beef hash."

The waitress arrives, "Can I take your order?"

The woman speaks, "Yeah, I'll have the pancakes and he'll have the Blue Plate Special."

[Note: the Blue Plate Special wasn't any healthier...]

Thank goodness the man spoke up, "Uhhh actually, I don't want that. I want the corned beef hash with eggs."

The waitress changes the order and leaves with a little look of sympathy for the man.

The woman then proceeds to ridicule the man for drinking decaf tea.

No wedding bands that I saw. I think the man should run for his life.

I tuned them out and continued on with my own breakfast banter as my little one made eye contact with everyone she could.

I didn't want to head home just yet after breakfast, because I wanted to give the old man at home a good solid two hours of sleep.

So, we went and browsed magazines at Borders. And then what better to go with my new fancy schmancy cookbook magazines, than new bubble bath! Off to Walgreens to see what variety they had. I didn't need something fancy...just something new.

We're browsing the bubble bath isle, when this man walks by and says with a rather in-your-face "Hello! How you doin'?"

"Oh, fine, thank you."

And he keeps on walking. I think nothing of it. Then about 30 seconds later, the same man comes rushing back into my isle from the same direction he left...stops two feet from me and hops three times. He then leaves the isle.

I'm thinking, "Um, okay. Weirdness."

I continue on with my find.perfect.bubble.bath search.

About thirty seconds later, the same man comes back from the same direction...skipping toward me, stopping two feet away, hops three times, and then leaves.

I'm pretty freaked out now, and thankfully Walgreens has mirrors along their back wall at an angle so you can see the entire store. I'm watching those mirrors as my heart picks up pace a bit and seeing if the guy is just standing around the corner or if he's off doing something else. I'm also looking for any employees that might be close.

I'm still looking through bubble baths, but I figure I should head over a couple isles to the nailpolish and lipsticks because there's no reason a man would be in that area. Then I could see if this man perhaps wasn't all there mentally or if he was really being a weirdo toward me.

He seemed to be busy doing something else now, so I ventured back into the bubble bath isle. After picking out some nice new polish of course!

As soon as I get back into the isle, the same man comes skipping back toward me from the other end of the isle. Stops a couple feet from me, hops, and then leaves.

Thinking, "Don't let this freak you out. He's probably just not playing with a full deck."

Then I hear him say something to a young female employee at the end of the isle I was standing in.

Thinking, "Oh good. He's busy with someone else now, so he won't be freaking me out any longer..."

Only she responds to his comment (I couldn't hear what his comment was specifically.) with a smile and a tone of familiarity.

Then he says to her, in the ~most~ normal of voices, "Ok, so when should I be back then? I was thinking around two o'clock. Does that work for you?"

She replies, "yeah, two sounds great! I'll see you then."

And he leaves the store.

So there I stood. Completely dumbfounded. What the hell was all that skipping and hopping about? Mister, if you ~by some blogging miracle~ read this, don'!


Raul Duke said...

That is weird. Maybe you should have asked the girl who he was? Maybe he was trying to make baby smile? People are weird about things like that. Maybe you were part of some study. Funny, we must think alike because we were blogging at the same time.

The restaurant story is funny. Some day I should share some of my stories from my days of waiting tables.

Laura said...

Dang...your drug store is exciting! I would have piped up..or started hopping in an attempt at a reciprocal freak-out. Maybe he had the bunny hop song running through his noggin..hop, hop, hop.
We just have chickens that roost on the cart corral outside our drug store...and I'm not kidding. They ~escaped~ from a farm down the road and have taken up residence at the CVS. And 85% of the town are NASCAR freaks and people here actually fly the rebel flag with pride. Says alot, doesn't it?(Cue the intro for Dueling Banjos...)