Sunday, October 02, 2005

Hippo in Denim

High Point:

We closed on the piece of property that we really wanted awhile ago and drove out to look at it this evening. It's so beautiful. I'll update Planning Paradise soon with some pictures.

Low Point:

Feeling like the size of a house and having my denim, prego capris barely fit.

Also, really looking forward to Iron Chef America tonight!! I wonder what the secret ingredient is!

Update: The secret ingredient was asparagus.


Marianna said...

So what was the ingredient?

Every time I've watched that show, I crack up from the funnies they say.


Leesa said...

I like to watch Iron Chef too...can be addicting.

Raul Duke said...

I like iron chef as long as Bobby Flay isn't on. For some reason I don't like him.

manababies said...

LOL I don't like Bobby Flay either. Not sure why though.

Raul Duke said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just don't think he's that special really. I don't think he does anything with food or bbq that no one else could do or has done.

manababies said...

Well like him or love him, I'm really hungry now. BBQ sounds so good right about now!!