Thursday, October 20, 2005

Over Doing It

High Point:

Movie night last night! I made a nice dinner - chicken breasts that I flattened some and then sauteed in fresh garlic and butter (real low cal lemme tell ya), mashed potatoes from scratch, gravy, broccoli (to toss in healthy), and then baked a blackberry pie with french vanilla ice cream to go with. The movie was great as expected! And my husband got a beta invitation to a game we are both very excited about.

Low Point:

Forgetting just how far along I am with this pregnancy and still trying to do more than I should be. I had walked to the store yesterday to pick up some goodies for movie night and then did housework. The lady at the store said, "I can't believe you walked here and are lugging groceries around in the stroller! I mean, from looking at you, I would think it would be hard enough just to bend over!!" (Gee, thanks lady!) And as my husband says with a tone of irritation, "Why are you over doing it?? You need to be more responsible for the sake of teh baby at least. You know, it's OK to sit and relax and do nothing for awhile..." I know he's right, but sometimes my brain get into an argument with itself and the irresponsible side wins.


Leesa said...

I don't get how you have time to talk to me, walk around town, grocery shop and bake a pie. Wonder Woman. Or maybe Bat-Woman???

Marianna said...

(continued from Lees's comments)....

AAAAAAND make a BEAUTIFUL new template for meeeeee!!!



Avery's mom said...

are you being irresponable by walking to the store? I maintained a short distance 'stroll' around my neighborhood up untill i gave birth. (only about 1 mile.) mostly it was a drag doing it but I wanted to keep my strenght up and not just get fat with the pregnancy. walking is great exercise.....if you were over doing it by your husbands standards then maybe he can do with out the pie and icecreeam, and the potatos from need to take it easy remember :)
when is your due date?

Sprinkles said...

In truth, pushing the stroller to the store and then back home filled with groceries + two bags to carry was a bit much and I knew it, but I was determined. My husband never expects me to cook and he'd gladly pick up dinner seven nights a week if I asked him to. By doctor's orders, I'm supposed to be taking it easy - sometimes I push my limits and then some. Everyone I know reminds to rest, but when youve only got a little over a month to go - you are ready to have you body back.

manababies said...

I got that 'take it easy' advice plenty, although mine wasn't from the doctor :). If anything, I think he was hoping I'd keep my hind end moving till the end of the pregnancy because I had diabetes. But taking it easy is definitely easier said than done, esp. when you have other kids to chase around. And once you sit down to take a load off, it's so hard to get back up again!

Gina said...

It's hard to remember all the time. I was the same way. It's especially difficult when that nesting instinct kicks in and you want to gut your entire house, clean and redecorate. That's what I got the urge to do. Didn't act on it fortunately but yep, I understand. It's funny though, my husband was SOOOO much more protective when I was pregnant with my first. For my second he was like, "can you help me with moving this dresser?" Well, not that bad.