Even though my husband got home after 10 last night, he still stopped off at the store and bought Batman Begins. And even though he only slept an hour the night before and then worked nearly a 15 hour work day, he thanked me for making the house look nice and for cleaning up. And he helped put the little one to bed. Followed by letting us sleep in this morning and not complaining about having no lunch to take with him to work. I'm going to have to make up for this! AND TONIGHT IS MOVIE NIGHT! Yay!
Low Point:
Being far hungrier than I should be all.the.time. Not taking the time lately to get out and take new pictures. Missing my skinny-person clothes. Not being caught up on the laundry.
I bought Batman Begins today too, girl. Will probably watch tonight!
Your husband sounds incredibly sweet! Can you clone him?
Oh he's definately got his moments... If I cloned him, you'd get the bad along with the good! :)
But then, don't we all have bads and goods...Lord knows I do! More bads too probably!
You got a good 'en. You mentioned laundry...have you checked out flylady (www.flylady.net)? She's helped me a lot in that area.
Flylady rocks! Definitely very helpful with staying on top of things.
I always laugh when someone asks if I can clone my husband. Ha..yeah..I'll clone him..along with the "pains" too.
Hmm..I feel a post coming on :)
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