Laying in bed at 4:30am. Awake. With the sounds of a train choo-chooing by in the distance. It brought back a lot of good memories.
Low Point:
Rolling over after the train had passed to nestle in for some sleep only to hear the tick tick ticking of my heart beat beat beating in my pillow pillow pillow when all I wanted to do do do was get some sleep sleep sleep. It was annoying annoying annoying.
I realized that in nearly every house/apartment that I've lived in since moving out on my own has always been within the listening pleasure of a train. I've always really loved listening to the passing trains as I'm snuggled into bed in the dark, quiet house.
One memory that came to me was when I had first started college. My boyfriend (now husband) and I were living in a seven floor dorm building off campus. We both lived on the top floor just down the hall from each other. As luck would have it, his room happened to be the only room on the floor that had a water pipe burst in the ceiling. That meant him and his roommate would be reassigned rooms with new roommates and no longer would the room they were in be called 'home'. So on the last night of residence in that "lucky" room - the roommate had already been reassigned rooms - I was invited over to take advantage of an evening without pestersome company. He had moved the bed in front of the big window that took up the entire wall and over looked the city in which our college was in. He had picked up food and music. Definately went out of his way to make the last night in that room special. The view from his room of city lights sparkling in the dark night's sky was really beautiful. And as we drifted off to sleep that night, we could hear the trains in the distance lulling us to dreamland.
I've blogged about this in the past ~ I think I was a train conductor in a previous life because I LOVE the sound of a train. I hear it every nite when I drift off to sleep & it's just so soothing to me. My next house will have to be near a train track somewhere. Prerequisite.
Neat story:)
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