The weather is still gorgeous even though its in the second half of October. I've been busy which keeps my mind off how large I feel. And even though my husband insists I'm a lot smaller this pregnancy than the last, I feel just as big. Little over a month to go!
Low Point:
Tired. Not sleeping well. Mind keeps thinking too much for me to sink into that deep sleep that I need, not to mention getting comfortable in bed is becoming a real challenge.
A few things I've been wondering about though:
Do you always start with the same foot to put socks on? and does the same go with shoes? I think I always start with my right foot.
Does anyone else besides me like pickles that still have the little stem on them over pickles that don't?
Where do you start your shopping in the grocery store? I always seem to feel most comfortable starting in the produce area.
If you only were offered half a bagel, but could choose top half or bottom half - which would you choose? For some reason, I really like the top half much beter. Same goes with a slice of bread.
When you're getting ready for the day, do you brush your teeth first or your hair first? I always brush my teeth first. It feels all wrong if I don't.
And lastly, when you clean the kitchen or the bathroom, do you wipe the sink dry? To me the kitchen sink especially, just doesn't seem clean unless I wipe the sink dry.
I'm just wondering...
You are so cute :)
*I start with my right foot
*ick-no stems on pickles
*I start at the back of the store and work my way front.
*I like the top of the bagel
*I brush my hair first
*I dry the sink too
Ahhhh I am SOOO gonna answer these on my bloggy when I get back!
*I don't always start with a certain foot.
*No stems on the pickles.
*I start in the medicine/cleaning supplies (if I need any) then go to the produce.
*I'd want the top half of the bagel.
*I brush my teeth first.
*And yes I dry the sink.
Great post :)
Start with the right.
Don't like the stems.
Yep, produce area for me. But have to admit--that's because my grocery store starts out with the produce on the right. For me it depends on the store I'm going into.
The bottom half (more "meaty") of the bagal.
Brush teeth first too.
Don't necessarily dry sink but bleach it every night (
:) Happy Tuesday.
Just thought to stop bye and say hi to one of the top blog author's in our ring!! Let the freedom of expression ring loudly!!
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